Lifestyle coach, wealth strategist, published author, high-vibin' autoimmune warrior!
High-vibin' autoimmune warrior ~ entrepreneur ~ body healing / nutrition / lifestyle coach ~ dog mom ~ caribbean dreamer ~ plant-based foodie ~ drama & negativity avoider ~ sprinkler of sarcasm ~ straight talker ~ inspiring women to step into their new personal power and design the life they want with oomph & gumption.
Here’s me reading through the chapter about finances in The Autoimmune Warrior’s Healing Key. Health and finances are interconnected and mindset is critical.
Here's me reading an excerpt from chapter 2 in my book, The Autoimmune Warrior’s Healing Key. I talk about a character trait of mine that turned out to be my “superpower.” It helped me recover from 4 autoimmune diagnoses as well as rebuild for my financial future.
My background, my autoimmune journey, and some of my services.
I spent years of my life with debilitating autoimmune symptoms because of complex regional pain syndrome, hypothyroidism, systemic lupus, and mixed connective tissue disease. I even lost my job - what I thought was my security - because I wasn't able to work full time anymore.
I had a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a 2-year specialty Financial Management certificate and yet I no longer had a reliable source of my own income. My finances and credit took a huge hit because I had no savings and had 4 mortgages at the time on multiple properties. Because I no longer had my job and group benefits package, I had also just lost my prescription coverage and life insurance, too. It was scary.
I really wanted to figure out how to work from home but back then I didn't know anyone else doing what I wanted to do - financial "coaching" to help people who feel like their life is in the toilet. I mean, you don't usually see job ads like that. And I felt like no one would listen to me anyway because the first person I needed to help was me. I hadn't even started turning my health around yet because I didn't think that was possible. All I could think about was my empty bank account, my debt, and my frustration.
I was in constant, chronic pain, chronically fatigued, frequently suffering with eye pain, respiratory infections, bladder infections, joint pain, and generally feeling like I'd been hit by a truck most days. Then in the summer of 2016, a few months after finalizing my 2-year divorce case, I really was hit by a truck. I was rear-ended by a delivery van, and later that year I was diagnosed with invasive melanoma. My health and finances were pretty much what you could call a train wreck.
Towards the end of 2016 my then-fiancé Mike and I went to Nicaragua for a much needed long-term getaway and while we were there I accidentally began to get better. By the time we returned to Canada later the following year, I was off all of my prescriptions and felt better than I had in years.
While I say it was accidental, I figured out why I was able to heal, and have maintained my health ever since - in fact, I've improved my wellness strategy in the last couple of years. In 2020 I got my bloodwork done and I no longer have lupus antibodies, my thyroid is within normal range, and my previously high cholesterol is also normal again. All despite the fact doctors had told me I would need prescriptions for the rest of my life.
Sometimes the darkest times in our life can become the foundation of something extraordinary. Now, I'm self-employed in the financial services industry (working from home as well as my rooftop patio at Drifter's Claim Corn Island), I'm also a health / nutrition / body healing coach, and an international best-selling author.
In early 2021 I published a best-selling book called The Autoimmune Warrior's Healing Key, about how I healed from autoimmune illness, with practical action steps so you can implement new things to improve your health and finances too. Then I was in a best-selling book collaboration, and later created one of my own. I wrote a chapter in each of them about my healing journey, from a different perspective and with different details. You can find out more about all three books HERE.
I also created the Holistic Healing for Autoimmune Warriors online program to help autoimmune warriors learn all about the endocrine system in detail, what essential oils can help support and heal each organ, AFT / mindset sessions, as well as what exactly I've done to manage and recover from the effects of my conditions. This is a deep dive into the concepts I talk about in my books.
My learning curve to get my health and finances back on track was steep, long, and brutal, so I've made it my mission to share what I learned and help others avoid what I had to endure.
I also offer one-on-one HEALTH coaching (check out some testimonials below). I am a certified Precision Nutrition (PN1) Coach, and I am pleased that my clients who have decided to take MASSIVE ACTION are experiencing great results!
And because when autoimmune warriors experience success, get their health back, and get their life back, they want to write about it - I'm also a writing and publishing coach, specializing in autoimmune stories and health-related collaborations.
Want to learn how money works and start really getting ahead in life? Financial appointments with me via zoom are FREE.
If you're not ready yet, ask yourself what's holding you back?
Come join my FREE facebook group for autoimmune warriors. This isn’t a typical “complaint-based” support group. We keep it positive, solutions-oriented, I share science based info & we focus on taking action!
Copyright © 2024 Jo Pronger Boone (nee Faulkner) - All Rights Reserved.
Website created by Jo