Lifestyle coach, wealth strategist, published author, high-vibin' autoimmune warrior!
I'm an autoimmune warrior, business owner in financial services, dog mom, Caribbean dreamer, plant-based foodie, published author x 3, certified Body Healing Coach, certified Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, & my mission is to help THOUSANDS of autoimmune warriors turn their health around & reclaim their life!
This program is for YOU if you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
This program can be combined with my book, The Autoimmune Warrior's Healing Key, or done on its own. If you grab my book first, it has a discount code for this program!
This is actually more than a course; it's a 9-week life-changing, experiential program with online learning modules that are jam-packed with science and evidence-based information. It also includes a PDF workbook with additional resources and activities that will really help imprint what you are learning.
As a BONUS -- as of November 2022, you'll now also get 4 FREE 1-hour coaching sessions with me! (a $260 CDN / $195 US value!)
I was diagnosed with FOUR debilitating autoimmune conditions - complex regional pain syndrome, hypothyroidism, systemic lupus, and mixed connective tissue disease. Then along came invasive melanoma (skin cancer.). I also had a bulged disc in my back, uterine fibroids, frequent eye pain, urinary tract infections, and I always caught whatever cough or cold was going around. Then those would progress into bronchitis. EVERY. FREAKING. TIME. I had no idea how to help myself, my doctors didn't know what else to do with me, and I wish I had had something like this program to turn my life around back then.
I completely understand how frustrated you are with feeling like it's "just the way it is," or, "I must just have bad genes."
Guess what? You're about to cancel those limiting beliefs. and prove them all wrong. I'm here to tell you, you DO have choices and things CAN get better. It took me 6 years to even make the decision that I needed to take matters into my own hands and decide to try to heal myself. If it was even possible. (It was.)
The things you will learn in this program will change the way you think about yourself, your body, the foods you are eating, and about the everyday toxins you are unknowingly exposed to. This program will change the trajectory of your life from this point forward.
You will learn about Gut Health, your Immune System, your Endocrine System, what the organs/glands are in this critical body system, what happens when this system malfunctions (hint: it causes your immune system to also malfunction), and I also added my own protocol of what I've done to go from helpless and hopeless, to empowered and living a high-vibin' life.
This program is MUCH more in-depth than my book when it comes to explanation of the body's organs, as well as which essential oils can support the endocrine system and organs. This program also includes TWO aroma-freedom sessions (videos) that will help you with the emotional aspects of what you are going through and where you want to go from here.
Did you know that poor liver health is closely connected to all kinds of illness, including autoimmune? (If you have already read my book, I know you'll have just answered "yes" to that question.)
Did you know that early life trauma, chronic stress and the standard American diet are major factors in the development of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, IBS, lupus, thyroid issues and many other illnesses?
Isn't it time to prioritize YOUR HEALTH so you can start living the high-vibin' life you want so badly?
Holistic Healing for Autoimmune Warriors also includes things that I eat and don't eat, what personal and household products I have switched to using and why, what essential oils I use to support each of my organs (all with references and science-based evidence), along with a variety of activities like audio files I have recorded with course content, videos to watch, and additional websites (with live links to click on) to further research the information.
I don't just tell you stuff. I actually show you where I got the research from and where you can find more.
I am not a doctor, and this isn't a cure or a treatment, but if you aren't happy with your current health situation, and if you are curious enough to have read this far, you know there is more YOU can do for your health. My own research is in the functional medicine space, because I got frustrated with western medicine only giving me more pills with more side effects. I now learn from functional medicine practitioners who look at root causes and preventive options like healthy diet, healthy mindset, and more.
Through my experience, education and knowledge, I offer a true holistic approach based on what I have learned and how I was able to turn my own autoimmune health around.
They say knowledge is power, but taking action is where the power really is.
Self-advocacy is also power. The more YOU know about your body, the healthier you can choose to strive for, with real examples that I (and so many others) have accomplished naturally.
I have also included DIY essential oil recipes at the back of the workbook, for everyday handy things like all-natural bug spray, a headache relief recipe, women's hormone support roll-on, a nerve pain relief recipe, and more. Many of the essential oils mentioned in this course are brand-neutral (I use Young Living oils but you don't need to be a YL member in order to benefit from this course.)
I was at the point of considering suicide, and I was convinced I was doomed to liver and kidney failure because of all the prescriptions I needed to take every day. Thankfully I decided a drastic change was what I really needed, and haven't looked back.
Well, that's not quite true, because I do look back in order to reach my hand back and pull others out of the fire of autoimmune hell. It's not a fun place to be. And if you want to try something that worked for me, this is it, all laid out as to why I did what I did, the sources I learned it from, and what's been working for me naturally for over 4 years now.
You have the power within you to choose a different outcome, when you know where to find the most relevant and truly life-changing information. You absolutely can experience fewer symptoms, less pain, more energy and a better quality of life!
This isn't just about which products I have had success with. I'll call out the elephant in the room.... this isn't a ploy to get you to buy affiliate products from me. Many of the oils I talk about are not proprietary and can be purchased from several essential oil companies (ie. Lavender, Rosemary, Frankincense, Lemongrass, etc). My book does NOT cover essential oils and individual organs like this program does.
Anyone with an autoimmune illness or autoimmune symptoms will benefit from this program if you do the work and apply what you learn.
This is a MINDSET shift AND a LIFESTYLE "cleanse." I had major results and improvements before using essential oils, so there are a lot of non-oily things that I attribute that to, all of which I cover in this program.
It's a lot of learning, but isn't your health worth getting back on track so you can start to feel better from this point forward?
I'm not a doctor, obviously, but had to become my own health advocate and I can help you come up with a plan for you to become your own health advocate too - once you understand how you got sick in the first place it becomes quite clear what the next steps need to be.
Copyright © 2024 Jo Pronger Boone (nee Faulkner) - All Rights Reserved.
Website created by Jo